Coq学习——《Software-Foundation》Volume1.1-Basic Basic Intro Functional style and the sense of "functional" in "functional programming" Pure without side effects, then all we need to undersatand about it is how it maps input 2020-10-26 Computer Science 形式化验证 形式化验证
形式化方法——Proofs-and-Algorithms-Part1 Indroduction Proofs and Algorithms Part 1 Chap1 Predicate Logic 1.1 Inductive Definations 1.2 Languages 1.3 The Languages of Predicate Logic 1.4 Proofs 1.5 Examples of Theories 1.6 Varia 2020-10-21
OCaml学习——Configuration-for-merlin Configuration for merlin Emacs+Spacemacs+ocaml layer 进行 OCaml 语法学习,刷题过程,调用外部库和自建模块时 Merlin 检测一直报错,并且 auto-completension 也会随之失效。今天在 Merlin Issue 查阅一些信息后,遵循Github Wiki,算是弄明白问题的原因,也了解了.merlin的配置。 Unbou 2020-10-20 Computer Science OCaml OCaml
Coq学习——《Software-Foundation》Volume1.0-Preface Preface About Software Foundation. Topics in the series: basic concepts of logic, computer-assisted theorem proving, the Coq proof assistant, functional programming, operational semantics and so o 2020-10-16 Computer Science 形式化验证 形式化验证
Coq学习——Proof-General使用 Using Proof General Proof General Home Features Script management Script file <--> Interactive proof process Colours a script script to show the state in the proof assistant. Hide the c 2020-10-16 Computer Science 形式化验证 形式化验证 工具