Representing Program Syntax
Defining Programming Language Semantics
To write a program, you have to know how the language works.
Semantics: The study of how the language works
- Methods: for defining program semantics:
- Operational: rewrite step-by-step until end up with a value
- Denotational: interpret a program in a different language
- Equational: specify the equal programs
- Axiomatic
Syntax? Semantics?
Defining Program Semantics
an interpreter program
Implementing an interpreter: sequence of characters ---parsing---> data structure representing program(AST) ---evaluation---> data structure representing result of evaluation ---pretty printing---> formatted output
Representing Syntax
Think in spliting the let
expression to 3 parts let xx = xx in xx.
Tree like structure (AST?)
OCaml for the Win
Functional programming languages have sometimes been called "domain-specific languages for compiler writers"
Datatypes are amaing for representing complicated tree-like structures and that is exactly what a program is.
Making These Ideas Precise
Represent the OCaml program (sequence of string) (This is called concrete syntax, concrete syntax pertains to parsing).
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to an exp value
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This is called an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Free vs Bound Variables
use of variables bound or free.
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this use of y is free
Implementing Renaming
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