More tactics and more properties of functional programs.
- how to use auxiliary lemmas in both "forward-" and "backward-style" proofs; “正推”“逆推”中使用辅助引理;
- how to reason about data constructors -- in particular, how to use the fact that they are injective and disjoint; 如何对数据构造子进行论证,特别是,如何利用它们单射且不交的事实;
- how to strengthen an induction hypothesis, and when such strengthening is required; 如何增强归纳假设,以及何时需要增强;
- more details on how to reason by case analysis. 还有通过分类讨论进行论证的更多细节。
The [apply] Tactic
The goal to be proved is the same as some hypothesis in the context or some proved lemma, so we can apply them to finish the proof.
Finish with [apply H.] instead of [rewrite H. reflexivity.]
直接应用某条定理,而非重写后用 reflexivity.
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When we [apply] some statements with \(\forall\), Coq will try to find appropriate values.
当我们应用 apply 定理的时候,Coq 会自动找寻符合定理的值,以下面为例:
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这里我们使用 [apply H.] Coq 找到 [n=2]的实例,符合[H]定理要求,所以我们将结论转换为前提。
The [apply with] Tactic
Proof the theorem trans_eq first, and proof by using [apply trans_eq with (m:=[c;d])] (gives an instantiation of [X]). Trans_eq use abstract type so we can "with" the actual type.
Coq also has a tactic [transitivity] that accomplishes the same purpose as applying [trans_eq]. The tactic requires us to state the instantiation we want, just like [apply with] does.
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The [injection] and [discriminate] Tactics
- 构造子\(S\)是单射(Injective) 或“一一对应”的。即,如果\(S n = S m\),那么\(n=m\)必定成立。
- 构造子\(O\)和\(S\)是不相交(Disjoint)的。即,对于任何\(n\),\(O\)都不等于\(S n\)
推广到任意构造子上,编写撤销一次构造子调用的函数。为此,Coq 提供了更加简便的[injection] 策略,它能让我们利用构造子的单射性。
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If you jest say [injection XX] with no [as] clause, then all the equations will be turned into hypotheses at the beginning of the goal. (We can follow with [intros] tactics).
one exercise
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About disjointnesses.
Two terms beginning with different constructors (like [0] ans [S], or [true] and [false]) can never be equal.
Nonsensial to anything: Beginning with different constructors, any time we find ourselves in a context where we've assumed that two such terms are equal, we are justified in concluding anything we want.
The [discriminate] tactic embodies this principle: It is used on a hypothesis involving an equality between different constructors.
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The injectivity (one to one) allows us to use [f_equal] tactic to reason form like [n = m -> f x = f y].
Given a goal of the form [f a1 ... an = g b1 ... bn], the tactic [f_equal] will produce subgoals of the form [f = g], [a1 = b1], ..., [an = bn]. At the same time, any of these subgoals that are simple enough (e.g., immediately provable by [reflexivity]) will be automatically discharged by [f_equal].
Using Tactics on Hypotheses
Change the goal -> change the context.
For example, [simple in H], [apply L in H].
! [apply L in H]会针对 \(X\) 匹配 \(H\),如果成功,就将其替换为 \(Y\) 。换言之,
- [apply L in H] 给了我们一种“正向推理(forward reasoning)” :
- 根据 \(X \rightarrow Y\) 和一个匹配 \(X\) 的假设, 它会产生一个匹配 \(Y\) 的假设。
- Forward reasoning starts from what is given (premises, previously proven theorems) and iteratively draws conclusions from them until the goal is reached
- [apply L]是一种“反向推理”:
- 如果我们指导 \(X \rightarrow Y\) 并且试图证明 \(Y\), 那么证明 \(X\) 就足够了。
- Backward reasoning starts from the goal and iteratively reasons about what would imply the goal, until premises or previously proven theorems are reached.
数学或计算机科学课上见过的非形式化证明(informal proofs)可能倾向于正向推理。通常,Coq 习惯上倾向于使用反向推理,但在某些情况下,正向推理更易于思考。
Varying the Induction Hypothesis
[intros m] in the wrong places.
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分析问题,由于我们已经通过[intros] 将 [m] 引入到上下文中。直观上我们告诉 Coq“现在开始考虑具体的[n]和[m]”,而在对[n]归纳证明时,[P n -> P ( S n )],对于具体[m]来说是没有意义的(useless)。
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What's wrong in the second-second case.
Trying to carry out this proof by induction on [n] when [m] is already in the context doesn't work because we are then trying to prove a statement involving every [n] but just a single [m].
如果我们试着根据 Q 证明 R,就会以“假设 double (S n) = 10..”这样的句子开始, 不过之后我们就会卡住:知道 double (S n) 为 10 并不能告诉我们 double n 是否为 10。(实际上,它强烈地表示 double n '不是' 10!) 因此 Q 是没有用的。
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We get a more general context.
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What you should take away from all this is that we need to be careful, when using induction, that we are not trying to prove something too specific: When proving a property involving two variables [n] and [m] by induction on [n], it is sometimes crucial to leave [m] generic.
One of my exercises.
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Rearrangement of quantified variables
的证明,如果我们不引入任何东西就执行[induction m], Coq 就会自动帮我们引入 n。
What can we do?
- works but not nice: rewrite the statement of the lemma so that [m] is quantified before [n].
- work and nice: first intro duce all and then re-generalize one or more with tactic [generalize dependent].
An exercise
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Unfolding Definitions
Manually unfold a name that has been introduced by a [Definition].
As for automatic unfolding (with tactic [simpl]), Coq is not smart enough...
Use [unfold] to explicitly tell Coq what to do.
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As for automatic unfolding the definition, if [simpl] meet a function involving a pattern match with an application of an variable. It is not smart enough to notice whether the two branches of are identical or not.
Two ways to make progress
- Destruct the variable (depends on recognizing the dependencis)
- Tell Coq to unfold the function and show directly, and then ...
Using [destruct] on Compound Expressions
We have used this for the case analysis before.
About the [eqn:]!
When [destruct]ing compound expressions, the information recorded by the [eqn:] can actually be critical: if we leave it out, then [destruct] can erase information we need to complete a proof.
So becareful to add [eqn:] when destructing compound expressions.
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Review 部分摘录翻译版。
:(当目标形如 e = e 时)结束证明apply
:用前提、引理或构造子证明目标apply... in H
:将前提、引理或构造子应用到上下文中的假设上(正向推理)apply... with...
:化简目标中的计算simpl in H
:使用相等关系假设(或引理)来改写目标rewrite ... in H
:将形如 t=u 的目标改为 u=tsymmetry in H
:将形如 t=u 的前提改为 u=tunfold
:用目标中的右式替换定义的常量unfold... in H
:用前提中的右式替换定义的常量destruct... as...
:对归纳定义类型的值进行情况分析destruct... eqn:...
:为添加到上下文中的等式指定名字, 记录情况分析的结果induction... as...
: 对归纳定义类型的值进行归纳injection
: reason by injectivity on equalities between values of inductively defined typesdiscriminate
: reason by disjointness of constructors on equalities between values of inductively defined typesassert (H: e)(或 assert (e) as H)
:引入“局部引理”e 并称之为 Hgeneralize dependent x
:将变量 x(以及任何依赖它的东西) 从上下文中移回目标公式内的前提中
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