对于一张\(8\)位灰度图像,像素灰度值\(r \in [0,256), r \in Z\),必然满足一特定的概率分布\(p(x)\),直方图可理解为分块显示的概率密度函数。
以下面几图为例(彩色图取 R 通道)
在某些情况下,我们希望通过某种函数变换\(s = T(r)\),使变换后的函数概率分布均匀化(或贴近均匀),这就是直方图均衡
根据课本 P74 页,\(p_r(r)\)和\(p_s(s)\)分别表示随机变量\(r\)和\(s\)的概率密度函数,概率论的一个基本结果是,如果\(p_r(r)\)和\(T(r)\)已知且\(s = T(r)\)具备单调性,在感兴趣的值域上是连续且可微的,则变换后的变量\(s\)的概率密度函数可由下面的简单公式得到:
\[p_s(s) = p_r(r) \left| \frac{\mathrm{d}r}{\mathrm{d}s} \right|\]
设\(r\)为随机变量,其概率分布符合\(p_r(r)\),另有一单调的函数(变换)\(s = T(r)\),现在求\(s\)的概率分布,设\(r\)值域均为\([0,L-1]\)。
\[F(x) = \int_{0}^{x} p(m) \mathrm{d}m\]
\[F_r(r) = \int_{0}^{r} p_r(m) \mathrm{d}m \]
又因为\(s = T(r)\)为单调函数,存在反函数\(r = T^{-1}(s)\)
\[F_s(s) = F_r(T^{-1}(s)) = \int_{0}^{ T^{-1}(s) } p_r(m) \mathrm{d}m \]
\[p_s(s) = \left| \frac{\mathrm{d} F_s(s)}{\mathrm{d}s} \right|\]
\[p_s(s) = \left| \frac{\mathrm{d}F_s(s)}{\mathrm{d}s} \right|\]
\[p_s(s) = \frac{\mathrm{d}F_r(r)}{\mathrm{d}r} \left| \frac{ \mathrm{d} r}{ \mathrm{d}s} \right|\]
\[p_s(s) = p_r(r) \left| \frac{ \mathrm{d} r}{ \mathrm{d}s} \right|\]
若\(T(r)\)恰为\(r\)的分布函数,则 \[s = T(r) = \int_{0}^{r} p_r(m) \mathrm{d}m \] \[\frac{\mathrm{d}s}{\mathrm{d}r} = p_r(r)\] \[p_s(s) = p_r(r) \left| \frac{ \mathrm{d} r}{ \mathrm{d}s} \right| = p_r(r) \frac{1}{p_r(r)} = 1\]
则\(s\)为均匀分布\(s \in [0,1]\) 且\(p_s(s)\)值恒为\(1\)
若\(T(r)\)为\(r\)分布函数映射到\([0,L-1]\),则 \[s = T(r) = (L-1) \int_{0}^{r} p_r(m) \mathrm{d}m\] \[p_s(s) = p_r(r) \frac{1}{(L-1) p_r(r)} = \frac{1}{L-1}\] 则\(s\)为均匀分布,且\(p_s(s)=\frac{1}{L-1}\)
三通道混合均衡 vs. 分别均衡
平台的讨论区里留下了一个有趣的问题:对于三通道 RGB 图像,对每个通道均衡后合并的图像有时会产生严重的色彩失真。
我将一张自己原来拍摄的风景图,R,G,B 三个通道分别进行了直方图均衡,但是没有一同合并,而是与当前未变换的剩下两通道叠加后的图片。
举个例子,若红色通道\(T_{red}(2) = 8\),而蓝色通道\({T_{blue}(5) = 6}\),绿色通道假定不变,则原来像素点\(a = (2,4,5)\) 变换后为\(a' = (8,4,6)\)由偏向蓝色变为偏向红色。
因而,若采用三通道合并计算灰度的概率分布然后计算累积分布函数的话,由于使用相同的函数变换,无论是相同通道还是不同通道的两个值\(i\),\(j\),经函数变换后保留其大小关系,如\(i<j \to T(i) < T(j)\)。
获取 RGB 三通道图像
需要注意的是,cv2 读取图像为 BGR,需要转换成 RGB。
1 2 3 4
| def GetRGB(path): im_BGR = cv2.imread(path,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) im = cv2.cvtColor(im_BGR,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return im
相同测试环境,耗时 7m9s(最慢)
1 2 3
| for i in range(height): for j in range(width): caculate_num[input_image[i][j]] += 1
相同测试环境,耗时 14.4s(较慢)
1 2 3
| for line in input_image: for px in line: caculate_num[px] +=1
相同测试环境,耗时小于 10s(较快)
解释加速原理,img==pixel 得到一个 bool 数组,而 img[]则取出数组为真值的 index 数组,然后就可以用 len()计数了。比较产生 bool 数组是向量操作,底层优化,所以加速效果明显。
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| def cumsum(img, bins): histogram = np.zeros(bins) for pixel in np.arange(0, bins, 1): histogram[pixel] += len(img[img==pixel]) return histogram
caculate_num = cumsum(input_image,256) print(np.shape(caculate_num))
调用 np.histogram()的方法
相同测试环境,耗时 644ms(最快)
1 2
| caculate_num,index_x = np.histogram(input_image,np.arange(0,256)) caculate_num = np.append(caculate_num,1)
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| def CaculateHistogram(input_image): if len(np.shape(input_image)) == 3: height,width,level = np.shape(input_image) summ = height*width*level else : height,width = np.shape(input_image) summ = height*width caculate_num,index_x = np.histogram(input_image,np.arange(0,256)) caculate_num = np.append(caculate_num,1)
sum_num = np.copy(caculate_num) for i in range(1,256): sum_num[i] = sum_num[i-1] + sum_num[i] return summ,caculate_num,sum_num
def cumsum(img, bins): histogram = np.zeros(bins) for pixel in np.arange(0, bins, 1): histogram[pixel] += len(img[img==pixel]) return histogram
def HistogramEqualizationLUT(input_image): size,data,data_sum = CaculateHistogram(input_image) fxy = lambda x: (255*data_sum[x])//size table = np.array([fxy(i) for i in range(256)]) lut = lambda x: table[x] return lut(input_image),table
注意要用 lambda,不可以直接 input_new = table[input_image]
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def DrawPerChannel(input_img,split_channel : int, channel_color ,plotline = None, histogram = None, pic = None):
input_channel = input_img[:,:,split_channel] temp_he,temp_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(input_channel) if plotline != None: plotline.set_title("The function of "+channel_color+" channel") plotline.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r_{" + channel_color +"}$") plotline.plot(np.arange(256),temp_table,color = channel_color ,label = "$T(r_{"+ channel_color +"})$") plotline.legend()
if histogram != None: kwargs = dict(bins = 25, histtype='bar', edgecolor = "white",alpha=0.5, density = True) histogram.set_title("The histogram of "+channel_color+" channel") histogram.hist(input_channel.flatten(), color = "black",**kwargs, label = channel_color +" original") histogram.hist(temp_he.flatten(), color = channel_color , **kwargs, label = channel_color +" after he") histogram.legend()
if pic != None: show_img = input_img.copy() show_img[:,:,split_channel] = temp_he pic.imshow(show_img)
def DrawChannelsEqualization(img_with_3channels): plt.figure(figsize=(30,30))
DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,0,"red",plt.subplot(331),plt.subplot(334),plt.subplot(337)) DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,1,"green",plt.subplot(332),plt.subplot(335),plt.subplot(338)) DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,2,"blue",plt.subplot(333),plt.subplot(336),plt.subplot(339)) plt.show()
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| def DrawCompareEqualization(im_with_3_channel): together_img,together_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im_with_3_channel) seperate_img = im_with_3_channel.copy() seperate_table = np.array([together_table,together_table,together_table]) for i in range(3): seperate_img[:,:,i],seperate_table[i] = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im_with_3_channel[:,:,i])
plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) plotline0 = plt.subplot(231) plotline0.set_title("No Change") plotline0.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline1 = plt.subplot(232) plotline1.set_title("Seperate Change") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[0],color = "red" ,label = "$T(r_{red})$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[1],color = "green" ,label = "$T(r_{green})$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[2],color = "blue" ,label = "$T(r_{blue})$") plotline1.legend() plotline2 = plt.subplot(233) plotline2.set_title("Together Change") plotline2.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline2.plot(np.arange(256),together_table,color = "orange" ,label = "$T(r_{together})$") plotline2.legend() pic0 = plt.subplot(234) pic0.imshow(im_with_3_channel) pic1 = plt.subplot(235) pic1.imshow(seperate_img) pic2 = plt.subplot(236) pic2.imshow(together_img) plt.show()
1 2 3 4
| import numpy as np import cv2 import imageio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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| def GetRGB(path): im_BGR = cv2.imread(path,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) im = cv2.cvtColor(im_BGR,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return im
im = GetRGB('./3_2Photo/1.jpg')
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| def CaculateHistogram(input_image):
if len(np.shape(input_image)) == 3: height,width,level = np.shape(input_image) summ = height*width*level else : height,width = np.shape(input_image) summ = height*width
caculate_num,index_x = GetHistogramArray(input_image) caculate_num = np.append(caculate_num,1)
sum_num = np.copy(caculate_num) for i in range(1,256):
sum_num[i] = sum_num[i-1] + sum_num[i] return summ,caculate_num,sum_num
def GetHistogramArray(image): return np.histogram(image,np.arange(0,256));
def cumsum(img, bins):
histogram = np.zeros(bins) for pixel in np.arange(0, bins, 1): histogram[pixel] += len(img[img==pixel])
return histogram
def HistogramEqualizationLUT(input_image): size,data,data_sum = CaculateHistogram(input_image) fxy = lambda x: (255*data_sum[x])//size table = np.array([fxy(i) for i in range(256)])
lut = lambda x: table[x] return lut(input_image),table
red_channel_he,red_lut_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im[:,:,0]) all_he,lut_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im)
plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) ax1 = plt.subplot(231) ax1.set_title("Original") ax1.imshow(im)
ax2 = plt.subplot(232) ax2.set_title("Red Channel HE") ax2.imshow(red_channel_he, cmap = 'gray')
new_im = np.copy(im) new_im[:,:,0] = red_channel_he ax3 = plt.subplot(233) ax3.set_title("Image With Red Channel HE") ax3.imshow(new_im)
ax4 = plt.subplot(234) ax4.set_title("Original") ax4.imshow(im)
ax5 = plt.subplot(235) ax5.set_title("All Channel Together HE") ax5.imshow(all_he,cmap = "gray")
ax6 = plt.subplot(236) ax6.set_title("All Channel Together HE") ax6.imshow(all_he)
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def DrawPerChannel(input_img,split_channel : int, channel_color ,plotline = None, histogram = None, pic = None):
input_channel = input_img[:,:,split_channel] temp_he,temp_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(input_channel) if plotline != None: plotline.set_title("The function of "+channel_color+" channel") plotline.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r_{" + channel_color +"}$") plotline.plot(np.arange(256),temp_table,color = channel_color ,label = "$T(r_{"+ channel_color +"})$") plotline.legend()
if histogram != None: kwargs = dict(bins = 25, histtype='bar', edgecolor = "white",alpha=0.5, density = True) histogram.set_title("The histogram of "+channel_color+" channel") histogram.hist(input_channel.flatten(), color = "black",**kwargs, label = channel_color +" original") histogram.hist(temp_he.flatten(), color = channel_color , **kwargs, label = channel_color +" after he") histogram.legend()
if pic != None: show_img = input_img.copy() show_img[:,:,split_channel] = temp_he pic.imshow(show_img)
def DrawChannelsEqualization(img_with_3channels): plt.figure(figsize=(30,30))
DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,0,"red",plt.subplot(331),plt.subplot(334),plt.subplot(337)) DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,1,"green",plt.subplot(332),plt.subplot(335),plt.subplot(338)) DrawPerChannel(img_with_3channels,2,"blue",plt.subplot(333),plt.subplot(336),plt.subplot(339)) plt.show()
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| def DrawCompareEqualization(im_with_3_channel): together_img,together_table = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im_with_3_channel) seperate_img = im_with_3_channel.copy() seperate_table = np.array([together_table,together_table,together_table]) for i in range(3): seperate_img[:,:,i],seperate_table[i] = HistogramEqualizationLUT(im_with_3_channel[:,:,i])
plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) plotline0 = plt.subplot(231) plotline0.set_title("No Change") plotline0.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline1 = plt.subplot(232) plotline1.set_title("Seperate Change") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[0],color = "red" ,label = "$T(r_{red})$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[1],color = "green" ,label = "$T(r_{green})$") plotline1.plot(np.arange(256),seperate_table[2],color = "blue" ,label = "$T(r_{blue})$") plotline1.legend() plotline2 = plt.subplot(233) plotline2.set_title("Together Change") plotline2.plot(np.arange(256),np.arange(256),color = "black",label = "$r$") plotline2.plot(np.arange(256),together_table,color = "orange" ,label = "$T(r_{together})$") plotline2.legend() pic0 = plt.subplot(234) pic0.imshow(im_with_3_channel) pic1 = plt.subplot(235) pic1.imshow(seperate_img) pic2 = plt.subplot(236) pic2.imshow(together_img) plt.show()
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imtest1 = imageio.imread('imageio:chelsea.png') imtest2 = GetRGB('./3_2Photo/2.jpg') imtest3 = GetRGB('./3_2Photo/3.jpg') imtest4 = GetRGB('./3_2Photo/4.tif')
DrawCompareEqualization(imtest3) DrawCompareEqualization(imtest4)
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| def DrawHist(input_img,pic_handle,histogram_handle): kwargs = dict(bins = 25, histtype='bar', edgecolor = "white",alpha=0.5, density = True) pic_handle.set_title("The Image") pic_handle.imshow(input_img,cmap = "gray") histogram_handle.set_title("The histogram_handle") histogram_handle.hist(input_img.flatten(),**kwargs)
plt.figure(figsize=(20,15)) DrawHist(imtest1[:,:,0],plt.subplot(321),plt.subplot(322)) DrawHist(imtest2[:,:,0],plt.subplot(323),plt.subplot(324)) DrawHist(imtest3[:,:,0],plt.subplot(325),plt.subplot(326)) plt.show()